I'm late...I know I said I would post on Sunday. But after all the fabulous Mom's Day festivities, and then watching Grey's last night I just couldn't focus. Holy FREAK!!! Did you all see it?! I am dying! Thank heaven that the finale is tonight so I don't have to wait a whole week. Could it get any more suspenseful?! I highly doubt it. Making no other plans tonight than to park my tushy on the couch, eat my extremely unhealthy saturated fat laden microwave popcorn, and watch what will probably be the best 2 hours of TV history. Yup, that's how big of a loser I am. :)
So I did make the cut for the contest. phewwwwww.... There are some of the most amazingly talented scrappers left. I am floored! I KNOW for a fact that I don't stand a chance, but I am honored to even be included in this list. YAY!!! But I have to tell you how incredibly intense this last challenge was for me. No, not because it was a page about myself, but because I am the biggest idiot on the face of the earth. Let me explain: So I had been working on my page off and on all day Thursday, and a good portion of Friday. Things were just NOT flowing. I couldn't think. My brain was cloudy. I had no scrapping mojo what-so-ever. (Don't you love how it disappears right during a competition?!) So it took me a LOT longer than my normal pages do. So on Friday afternoon I had it about 80% done. I had the basic design, just needed to add a little more "floof", fix my lame journaling, and add my drop shadows. It would probably take me about a half hour and it would be done. So Todd got home from work and asked me if we could get a sitter for the babies and we would go look at some homes that are going to be in a local home show next week. (We are building a house if you don't know, so "home" stuff consumes most of our evenings these days.) So we went out on a little "date night" if-you-will. I had left photoshop open with my unfinished page sitting there ready to finish when we got home. We had a great time and got home about 8:30. I knew I was pushing it because the deadline to submit was 10:00 our time, but no matter, I was nearly done, RIGHT? WRONG!!!!! So somehow when I went to finish it, photoshop was acting funny. I couldn't get it to do what I wanted. So I did a quick save and shut it down. No biggie. Except after it reloaded and I pulled up my page I realized that I had accidentally flattened the file and saved it over my original. And by this time it was a half hour before it was due!! Holy ____ (insert your favorite naughty word here)! There was no possible way for me to redo it, and it really looked like crap! Really. So flat with no dimension at all. So after I calmed myself down, I just decided to salvage what I could. I re-added all the embellies that were on top so I could at least add shadow's to them. And quickly jotted down my credits and journaling. I posted it in the gallery 4 minutes before the deadline. You can see it here if you really want to. Oh well. Live and learn I guess. I will never be so sloppy with my saving again.
Since my silly schedule says the Sunday's are for sharing layouts I suppose I'll post my latest.
Here's one using Dawn's awesome papers (I seriously adore them!):
You can view credit's here.
Here's one using Hol's fun kit:
And here is one of Miss Liv and me using Sara's Grace kit (Which is probably one of my favorite kits off all time.)
And the credits are here.
I feel so bad because most of my scrapping time has went towards the UDS contest. So I've slacked big time on my CT assignments. I'm sure the designers are thinking I'm not doing my part. ACK!!! Sorry chickas!! I promise to scrap a lot more very soon. And with that, I'll sign off... remember that tomorrow is "tip Tuesday." ROFL I'm such a nut.
DOH! Don't ya hate that. I am really aware now of saving constantly. At any rate, if you hadn't told the story no one who have been the wiser.. the layout looks amazing. I love the honesty... maybe that's why I can't do a layout about myself. Ich! Love your other layouts too- the colors in Beautiful Dreamer are great! Thanks for sharing Kim. Hope you had a fabuouls day yesterday!
Posted by: Amy | May 15, 2006 at 03:18 PM
I am in awe of your work! You have such a great sense of style and super creativity! I just want to lift everything!! LOL! Congratulations on making it in the UDS! The layout turned out just perfect! The thing is, that it still has your "style" and you're probably your worst critic! There's a reason you're making, girlie!!
Thanks for the action tips!! Love it! have a great day!
Posted by: Jen Harr | May 15, 2006 at 03:28 PM
I loved your UDS page! I would have had no idea you had such a last minute scramble!! I also love all your new pages. I have Grey's on Tivo from last night and I don't think I'll be able to watch any of the finale until next weekend when DH gets back in town. Wah!!! Maybe I'll just watch without him...
Posted by: Jennifer | May 15, 2006 at 04:54 PM
I am telling you...#1 you are so NOT an idiot and #2 you totally rock when it comes to creativity and friendship........keep the art coming!!!!
Posted by: jayne | May 15, 2006 at 05:56 PM
Lol... good thing you were able to salvage it and post it on time.. such a terrific LO! And between you and me (lol) you DO stand a chance! So give it your best okay? :)
Congratulations! Love your new LO's.. truly outstanding. {hug}
Posted by: Nancy Comelab (aka belgianangel) | May 15, 2006 at 09:45 PM
your layout turned out great, kim!! love it :) love all your others as well!! see ya
Posted by: BethMaat | May 16, 2006 at 09:04 AM
If that is what you can do with a LO after something like that happening - WOW - you deserve to be moving on to the next round. And you totally can win this girl - there sure are a lot of great creaters on the list, but you are awesome and don't sell yourself short!
Posted by: MandaKay | May 16, 2006 at 12:32 PM
holy cow kim! i had no idea! you are a rockstar to pull that together so fast and still have it looking so fabulous! love your song right now. That was so my theme song for a long stretch. still is sometimes. love ya girl!
Posted by: lauren | May 16, 2006 at 02:19 PM
OMG I can't believe you got your LO in with 4 minutes to spare! Wowza!!!!
Love the newest batch of pages. :)
Posted by: Gina | May 16, 2006 at 04:02 PM
Oh you're kidding! That is a CLOSE call! I am so impressed that you pulled it off!
And OMG I have so many feelings on the GA finale. I am sad and happy and sad but happy ....I can't even decide what I feel! LOL!
Posted by: Shannon B. (aka dancingirisheyes) | May 17, 2006 at 01:20 AM
Your LO was awesome even without dropshadows! I just love your style. And I can't believe you've done ANY other LOs besides the contest ones the past 2 weeks. Its all I can do to get those post in time for the deadline. I posted not long before you Friday night and I only did my LO ONCE! LOL Plus, I'm sure your CT teams will be awfully proud to have an Ultimate Digi-Scrapper on their team. ;)
That mohawk is just crackin' me up. LOL
Posted by: Shawn | May 17, 2006 at 10:19 AM
Your Mohawk LO is seriously one of THE cutest I have ever seen! I just can't stop giggling. I love the little tattoo on his arm. LMAO! What a cutie!
Posted by: Maegan | May 17, 2006 at 02:05 PM
OK, so I don't rememeber what day recipe day was on, but I am hoping it's coming up soon. :) I am gonna bring a meal to a new mom at our church and I have no idea what to bring. I know I will bring your strawberry salad, but I am having trouble with the main dish. Anyway...............Your LO's are FAB!!! Even having your LO flattened without out the shadows, it was still stinkin awesome girl!!! You have talent!!!
Have a great day!!!
Posted by: Nina | May 18, 2006 at 03:47 PM
Awesome Pages! I agree with the whole "be careful with your name" thing. I'm glad you changed. I guess it's the ex-banker in me!
Posted by: Amber | May 24, 2006 at 10:19 AM